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10 Simple Steps To Improve Your Sleep Quality And Fitness Goals

October 23, 2021

Sleep is crucial for your fitness goals. In fact, two key muscle-building hormones, human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone, are secreted when you sleep. Adults require seven or more hours of sleep per night, however many people fall short of this. If this is you, here is what you can do:

  1. Snooze in darkness - the smallest amount of light can disrupt the sleep hormone, melatonin.

  2. Exercise earlier – evening exercise negatively affects sleep in some people.

  3. Block the blue light to sleep at night – the blue wavelength on your phone and devices can trick your brain into thinking its daytime.

  4. Limit caffeine – caffeine can affect you for up to 6 hours after you consume it.

  5. Create a relaxing atmosphere – a restful bedroom consists of cool temperatures, total darkness and is quiet.

  6. Upgrade your mattress – if your mattress is old and worn it could be causing restless nights.

  7. Melatonin before bed – Melatonin is a sleep-promoting hormone that can improve overall sleep quality.

  8. Create a sleep schedule – consistency is key in feeling well rested. If you have a busy lifestyle, add a reminder on your phone to unwind.

  9. Pick the perfect pillow – your pillow should keep your spine and neck supported and not be flat.

  10. Keep it cool – set a room temperature that is cool, yet not cold.