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What Happens During The Different Stages Of Sleep?

October 2, 2021

Sleep allows our bodies to repair muscles, grow bones, manage hormones and sort memories. When you’re sleeping, your body cycles through different sleep stages multiple times – broadly categorised as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep.

The first stage is NREM sleep, and is subdivided into three stages: N1- occurs when you first fall asleep and your heart rate and breathing slow down and your muscles begin to relax. This usually only lasts a few minutes. N2 – this stage of sleep makes up the most of your sleep time. Your body temperature drops, you have no eye movements and brain wave activity begins to occur. N3 – this is final NREM stage where you fall into a deep sleep. It is known as slow-wave sleep, and is crucial for your health. The body undergoes tissue repair and growth, the immune system strengthens, and your body is at its most relaxed.

The other major phase of sleep is REM sleep, the primary “dreaming” stage of sleep. Your breathing and heart rate increases, your eyes become rapid, and brain activity is markedly increased. REM sleep is believed to benefit your mood, learning and memory.

All the different stages of sleep serve a purpose, and a deficit in any can be a problem. If you are struggling with your sleep, or don’t feel refreshed even after a full night’s sleep, chat to your doctor about getting a Sleep study today.