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10 Ways You Can Stop Snoring Recommended By Sleep Experts

July 25, 2021

Snoring is common, affecting about 57% of adult men and 40% of adult women. Although you may not think of it as a problem, snoring is often linked to health problems - such as obstructive sleep apnea - and could also be disrupting the quality of sleep of your partner. Here are 10 ways you can reduce your snoring:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight – snoring can be caused by excess fatty tissue around the neck, which narrows the airways and causes vibrations. Weight loss is an appropriate strategy for managing snoring in people with a BMI greater than 25.

  2. Change your sleep position – when sleeping on your back, your tongue and soft palate are more likely to fall back and restrict the airway, causing you to snore. Sleeping on your side or using pillows to elevate your head can help to reduce this.

  3. Stop smoking – smoking causes airway inflammation can contribute to snoring.

  4. Limit alcohol – alcohol is a muscle relaxant, meaning it can contribute to your airway narrowing.

  5. Avoid sedatives – similar to alcohol, benzodiazepines and opioids can worsen snoring.

  6. Try nasal strips – snoring can sometimes be caused by nasal valves collapsing when you breathe through your nose. Stick-on nasal strips are placed on the nose bridge and can open up the nasal passageways, reducing snoring.

  7. Palatal implants – palatal implants are polyester rods placed in the soft palate to prevent it from collapsing in. These are inserted by an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist under local anaesthesia.

  8. Address structural problems in the nose and mouth – as a last resort, your structural anatomy can sometimes be the cause of snoring, such as a deviated septum or large tonsils. Surgical procedures can correct these problems and may help to improve snoring.

  9. Use a CPAP machine – snoring is a common symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – which is a sleep disorder treated with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. The device delivers air pressure through a mask to prevent snoring, choking and developing long term health problems.

  10. Talk to your doctor about UPPP – Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a surgery that involves removing tissue in the throat to open up the airways, preventing snoring.

The CPAP Clinic has a network of 40 clinics nationwide, and works in partnership with Centurion Healthcare, a Respiratory & Sleep Specialist clinic group to provide comprehensive sleep care including:

  1. Respiratory & Sleep Specialist consultation – face-to-face and telehealth available
  2. Sleep studies – in-lab, home and contactless sleep studies available.

Bulk billing available for specialist telehealth consultations as well as sleep studies. Medicare criteria apply. Call 1300 76 29 39 or email info@thecpapclinic.com.au for more information.