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Symptoms Of Rare Blood Clots Linked To Astrazeneca And Johnson & Johnson Vaccines

April 14, 2021

Both the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccine have been linked to a rare blood clotting condition known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). CVST occurs when a blood clot forms in one of the veins responsible for draining blood from your brain. The condition has been observed around 1 in 350,000 AstraZeneca vaccinations, usually between day 4-20 post-vaccination.

So what are the symptoms to look out for?

  1. Severe headache: this can develop over a few hours or days, and is described by patients as the worst headache they’ve ever experienced. This is the key symptom of CVST.

  2. Abdominal pain or nausea: nausea is a common sign of a stroke like CVST, and abdominal pain has been seen in patients where clots have developed in abdominal veins.

  3. Neurological symptoms and seizures: as CVST is a form of stroke, classic stroke symptoms such as blurred vision, confusion or seizures can arise. Similarly, patients may experience sudden loss of movement in one area, or numbness in their limbs.

  4. Fainting and loss of consciousness: if someone is fainting and losing consciousness, it can be a sign of CVST.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact a health care provider and seek medical attention immediately.

The CPAP Clinic is a leading Australian provider of Respiratory, Sleep Disorders, Cardiology and PPE services and products. Based in Sydney, it has a network of 40 clinics nationwide.